Can you guess which clutter drains your energy the most?

Can you guess the most energy-draining clutter in your home? What comes to mind? Is it in your closet? In your basement? On  your living room floor? On your kitchen counter? Maybe it’s in your refrigerator? Is it the piles of papers scattered around your house? Nope. None of those. The heaviest clutter in your home by far—have you guessed?—is your thoughts. In fact, physical clutter in your home is a reflection of cluttered thoughts.

Every day you have tens of thousands of thoughts and, if you listen to even a small sampling of them, you will discover that many of those thoughts are weary—thoughts that you have had over and over before, thoughts that keep you going in circles: thoughts of the past, thoughts of worry (usually about money), critical thoughts of yourself for not having done this or that, critical thoughts of others, and the list goes on. Listen to your thoughts for a little while and you will see what I am talking about. If you have physical clutter in your home, you can be sure that your home is also cluttered with thoughts of worry, fear, doubt, anger, frustration or other “heavy” emotion.

Want to clear out the clutter in your house? Start to notice your thoughts at home. Be more in the present moment, think about what is good at home, think genuinely nice things about yourself and others, and think optimistically and creatively about the future. Let stressful thoughts go. As you begin to think new thoughts and de-clutter your mind, you will find it much easier to be in action and clear out physical clutter at home.

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