Just 5 minutes a day changes everything!

Did you know that 5 minutes a day is enough to make a huge shift at home? Five minutes of focused daily activity is enough to expand your awareness and appreciation of order and beauty, and begin reducing your energetic tolerance for “stuckness” or chaos. Everything is energy, and as your energy shifts, things in your home will shift – naturally.

Every day, at least once, see how much you can accomplish in a 5-minute push. Use a timer to get you started. Maybe you can make your bed and clear off your bedside tables. Maybe you can refresh your bathroom – give the counter and sink a quick wipe, and purge a couple of stale shampoo bottles, change the towels and empty the garbage can.  See how much you can tidy in your entrance area, maybe pick up papers and straighten cushions in your living room, or wash a few dishes and wipe the kitchen counters. Select a well-used area of your home and go for it. Notice your thoughts, and keep it fun.

As you develop the habit of cleaning and tidying in short daily bursts, you will begin to create a progressive “new normal” for yourself. The turning point comes when you are cleaning up more mess than you make each day, almost without trying ….and begin looking eagerly for more to take on!

Getting things done at home is not always a matter of self-discipline; it is about aligning energy so that action comes easily. One of the biggest mistakes you can make at home is to try to do too much at once. Take one step at a time. ..starting with just 5 minutes.  As you shift the energy around you, bigger projects will follow naturally.

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