Tag Archives: de-clutter

Can you guess which clutter drains your energy the most?

Can you guess the most energy-draining clutter in your home? What comes to mind? Is it in your closet? In your basement? On  your living room floor? On your kitchen counter? Maybe it’s in your refrigerator? Is it the piles … Continue reading

Want to clear clutter for real?

Yesterday’s Globe and Mail had an article about de-cluttering in which every expert interviewed had a different strategy—start in the basement, start small, start at random, start with a system.  The strategy doesn’t matter. It’s about energy. When you know … Continue reading

Take action with ease this year.

This morning I heard a radio program featuring people’s admissions of how many New Year’s resolutions they had broken already by January 3. It was quite funny, but not surprising. Why do we think we can suddenly change our behaviour … Continue reading