What it takes to live from love.

Last week I confessed that I have been hiding behind the comfortable topic of “home”, rather than talking openly about what my HouseHeal teaching is really about – and that is learning to love yourself, beginning at home. When you are kind to yourself at home, you are pulled into inspired action, and your home becomes more organized, beautiful and filled with love, naturally . Here’s the trouble:  knowing that to be true does not make love and self-kindness suddenly happen. Living from love requires learning and practice. That’s where my teaching comes in.

When you learn how to see what is there, your home can give you hundreds of clues to help you recognize thought patterns that keep you “stuck”.  As you shift your thinking, step by step, action at home becomes easier, and life begins to feel different; life begins to feel good on a whole new level. That’s what HouseHeal is all about: feeling good about yourself and life, beginning at home.

If you are ready to make changes at home, here are some things you can do:

  1. Read my book from start to finish, and then read it again. The teaching goes      deeper every time – allow it to sink in. If you don’t have a copy yet, get a signed copy from me (sara@househeal.com) or order from Amazon.
  2. Mark your calendar and join me Tuesday, March 5th at 7 p.m. EST for my next fr*ee teleseminar! Thank you everyone who was on last week’s call and for your questions! It was fabulous!
  3. Imagine yourself taking my new HouseHeal course starting on April 8 – “live” from your own home – wherever you are in the world! This is a new course      designed to give you the deeper learning and personal support you need to      make real changes at home and in your life! Registration details will be      announced March 1 – but decide now to join in. If you want to take the course but issues around time or money pop into your head, have faith. If you feel      called to do the course, time and money challenges will dissolve – I promise. Just start to think about what you want for yourself now and get excited! More details to follow soon.

Thank you for being with me on this beautiful path. I love hearing from you and knowing that this work is making a difference to you. Keep questioning – it is in the exploring that the answers come to you!

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